Ms. Fang, Su-Min (方素敏)
  • Ming Chuan Univeristy - Accounting
  • Lan Yang Girls’ Senior High School
  • Instructor at Yilan Junior High School
  • Instructor at Jiaoxi Junior High School
  • Accountant at American Business Company
  • Business Director of Marine Engineering
  • Legislator
  • Founder of Chilin Education Foundation
Mr. Lin, I-Hsiung (林義雄)
  • Tainan Theological College and Seminary - Honorary Doctorate in Humanities
  • Dong-A University (South Korea) - Honorary Doctorate in Politics
  • Harvard University Kennedy School of Government (USA) - MA in Public Policy
  • National Taiwan University - BA in Law
  • Lawyer
  • Founder of Taipei Civil Law Services Center
  • Taiwan Province Representative of the 6th Tenure;
  • Founder of Chilin Education Foundation
  • Organizer and Executor of the 4th Nuclear Power Plant Referendum
  • Chairman of Democratic Progressive Party
1978 《古坑夜談--雨傘下的選舉》    與姚嘉文先生合著
1978 《從蘭陽到霧峰》
1984 《只有香如故:林義雄家書》    方素敏編
1989 《心的錘鍊─淺談非武力抗爭》    他認為今後台灣的改革,應該有一種非武力的抗爭,避免產生不好的事情使社會人性的優良面能激盪出來,朝向真善目標邁進。
1989 《台灣共和國基本法草案》    是他研究多國民主政治、懷抱台灣理想的結晶早在六年前,他就把台灣 和台灣人民當作他的責任,清楚的闡述他的治國理念。
1991 《十年生死--林游阿妹女士暨亮均、亭均受難十周年紀念集》慈林基金會編
1991 《去國懷鄉》
1995 《希望有一天--充滿喜樂的台灣》是他行動和理想的記錄,林義雄心目中的台灣是一個充滿喜樂的世界。
1997 《虎落平陽?--選戰!官司!郭雨新》    與姚嘉文先生合著,大談強權政治下司法的黑暗,曾經險遭查扣為台灣選舉史的珍貴史料。
2000 《慈悲˙希望˙愛--林義雄的人生行跡》    方素敏編
2002 《白樺、菩提、避邪符--林義雄俄羅斯、印度日記》
2010 《慈林語錄 續編》
2014 《只有香如故--林義雄家書》(上、下)
2016 Tsunah's Quotations《慈林語錄》全集英文版
2016 《希望有一天,充滿喜樂的台灣》林義雄著
2017 《台灣共和國基本法草案》林義雄著
2019 《永為民主國民》 方素敏編
  • 拉比的禮物-第一屆「慈林政治家研修班」開學典禮賀詞
  • 政治家的情操-第二屆「慈林政治家研修班」開學典禮賀詞
  • 林義雄期待出現更多政治家
  • 財訊月刊林瑩秋小姐專訪林義雄先生全文
Life of Lin I-hsiung
1941 Born in Yilan, Taiwan
1951 His father passed away
1953 Graduated from 學進 elementary school
1956 Graduated from Yilan Junior High School
1960 Graduated from Yilan Senior High School
1964 Graduated from National Taiwan University - BA in Law
1965 Taught Literature and History at Wujie Junior High School
1966 Ranked No. 1 in Examination for Lawyer; Began his career as a lawyer in Taipei City and Yilan
1971 Married Fang Su-min (方素敏); Lin Huan-chun (林奐均), his first daughter, was born
1973 Became the director of the Yilan Bar Association; Founded the Taipai Civil Law Services Center with Yao Chia-wen (姚嘉文) and Chen Ji-sheng (陳繼盛) to support civilians experiencing financial difficulties
1974 Twin daughters, Lin Liang-chun (林亮均) and Lin Ting-chun (林亭均) were born; Served as secretary of the Society of Comparative Law
  In July, accepted the invitation from the US State Department and the Asia Foundation to attend the "Asian Civil Law Support Workshop" at University of California, Berkeley; Traveled across Americas to observe the political and social situations
1975 Elected as legislater; Guo Yu-hsin (郭雨新), a tangwai (黨外) member, surprisingly lost the election; With Yao Jia-wen (姚嘉文), Lin sued Lin Jung-san (林榮三) for bribery with sufficient evidence; However, under the power of unlawful politics, justice did not sustain; Thus, Lin decided to participate in political opposition movements.
1977 Published《虎落平陽?選戰!官司!郭雨新》(co-written by Yao Jia-wen)
  In November, elected as the sixth Taiwan Province Representative
1978 Published《從蘭陽到霧峰--瞧這個省議會》; Co-wrote《古坑夜談--雨傘下的選舉》with Yao Jia-wen
1979 In Septemner, accepted the invitation from the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) to conduct studies in the United States
  The Kaohsiung Incident (i.e., the Formosa Incident) in December; Still a representative of the Taiwan Province, Lin was arrested for his involvement in the Formosa 5.
1980 On February 29, Lin Yu A-mei (林游阿妹), Lin's mother, Liang-chun and Ting-chun were assassinated in the basement of their residence; Lin refused to go on parole in order to accept military trial together with other victims, in which he was sentenced for 12 years in prison; Fang Su-min took Huan-chun to the United States to seek therapy for trauma
1982 Re-built the Lin's residence into the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (義光基督長老教會)
1983 In December, Fang Su-min elected as a representative of the Taiwan Province of the 1st electoral district
1984 In August, released on parole; Published《只有香如故--林義雄家書》
1985 Lin Yu A-mei and the twin daughters were buried
  In April, studied at the University of California (USA)
1986 Studied at the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government (USA)
1987 Harvard University Kennedy School of Government (USA) - MA in Public Policy; Studied in the United Kingdom and Japan for 1 year respectively, studying governmental organizations and politics
1989 Came back to Taiwan; 也帶回一幅台灣美麗的藍圖:「台灣共和國基本法草案」,以及實現藍圖的方法:「心的錘煉--淺談非武力抗爭」。林義雄用一向超越、寬容和樂觀的心對台灣人說:「有一天,我們會作主人。」
1991 Donated most of family property; Founded the Chilin Education Foundation, a cultural and educational institution; a place for expanding knowledge and critical thinking; 林義雄開始從事一個人類心靈工程的實驗,讓有志社會和政治改造的工作者,在課程中共同思考現在,搜尋未來。
1994 In July, underwent fasting to call the importance of the people's right to decide whether to build the 4th nuclear power plant; The fasting lasted 6 days, and more than 120 thousand people showed support of a referendum 
  In September, Lin organized the "核四公投促進會" with several religious, environmental and social movement groups; Became the co-ordinator of the "核四公投千里苦行," peacefully advocating a referendum for the 4th nuclear power plant. Within 35 days, the group has walked 1,005km around Taiwan
1995 Published《希望有一天--充滿喜樂的台灣》; Participated in the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) primary presidential election; Re-elected for the 3rd Legislative Election; Served as the DPP Campaign Commander 
1996 Served as the DPP Chief Counselor
1997 Co-organized the 504, 518, and 524 parade, "總統認錯.撤換內閣," with social movement groups which gathered 10 thousand of participants; in October, held the second "核四公投.千里苦行"
1998 In June, elected as the 8th Chairman of the DPP; in July, Lin Huan-Chun married Joel Linton (印主烈); on August 1, took office as the Chairman of the DPP
2000 In March, Faith Linton (印惇惠), his granddaughter, was born; on March 18, Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) elected as the 10th president and vice president of the Republic of China -- a historical moment for the DPP and the nation; in May, decided not to re-elect for the DPP Chairman, quoting American poet Robert Frost's "The road not taken"
2000 In December, accepted the 2nd Rotary Club Peace Prize
2001 In February, accepted honorary doctorate in Politics at Dong-A University (South Korea)
2002 In February, established the Chilin Taiwan Democracy Movement Museum; in June, published《白樺、菩提、避邪符--林義雄俄羅斯、印度日記》; in September, participated in the third「核四公投.千里苦行」。
2003 In June, accepted honorary doctorate in Humanities at the Tainan Theological College and Seminary; Presented his speech, "Kindness, Hope, Love"