A Stage Reading of the Documentary Play Listening to Voice of Taiwan in 1977
 Before the plane has even taken off, I can already feel it… freedom from terror.


    With the ring of a bicycle bell, we enter into the silence of Taiwanese society under an authoritarian regime. Once they step onto the plane, this group of people transform into immigrants in the eyes of Americans, and, to Taiwanese people who remained, they’re bidding Taiwan farewell. However, these wanderers dispersed across America nevertheless brandish slogans and organize demonstrations, marches, and protests, loudly shouting out words forbidden on the island. They joined together, assembling an unbreakable group, powerful enough to frighten the authoritarian government.
       Listening to Voice of Taiwan in 1977, a work of documentary theater, tells a story based on the audio records, documents, and historical memories of Voice of Taiwan. The entire play is compiled from real events that happened to real people. It takes the audience back 40 years to listen to an answering machine recording, whose sounds gradually awakened a sense of Taiwan consciousness. It illustrates how “speaking for Taiwan” became a goal shared by many people in the 1970s who exhausted all efforts to fight for freedom for their compatriots from a free country.
編     劇  Playwright                       應修平 Grace S. Ying
音樂設計  Music                             徐啟洋 Chi-Yang Hsu
導     演  Director                         周翊誠 Yi-Cheng Chou
演     員  Performers                     林品翰 Pin-Han Lin、吳靜依 Jing-Yi Wu
導演助理  Assistant to Director      李丹尼 Dan-Ni Li
戲劇顧問  Artistic Consultants        劉南芳 Nan-Fang Liu
史料來源 Historical materials     台灣敘事力協會2019-2024口述歷史訪談 Taiwan Narrative Association Oral Interviews 2019-2024、吳三連台灣史料基金會 Wu San-lien Taiwan Historical Materials Foundation








03-9650515 李小姐








上午場 10:30-10:30

下午場 14:30-15:30